Weijer VerLoren van Themaat

Of Counsel



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Weijer is gespecialiseerd in het mededingingsrecht en hoofd van de zorggroep van Houthoff. Hij richt zich in het bijzonder op fusiemeldingen en cartel defense litigation. Daarnaast houdt hij zich bezig met regulerings- en mededingingsvraagstukken in de zorg en het begeleiden van zorginstellingen bij samenwerkingen.

Weijer stond T-Mobile Nederland bij in de mobiele operators-zaak van de NMa, die uiteindelijk leidde tot de spraakmakende "T-Mobile case" van het Europese Hof van Justitie over de definities van doel- en gevolgbeperkingen. Ook vertegenwoordigde hij Accell Groep, de op één na grootste fietsproducent van Europa, in het beroep tegen het besluit van de NMa met betrekking tot gestelde onderling afgestemde feitelijke gedragingen in de vorm van informatie-uitwisseling. Op het gebied van concentratiecontrole was hij betrokken bij de Europese melding van de overname door TomTom van TeleAtlas. Op het gebied van de zorg, begeleidde hij onder meer de fusies ErasmusMC/Havenziekenhuis, St. Elisabeth Ziekenhuis/ TweeSteden Ziekenhuis, Kennemer Gasthuis/Spaarne Ziekenhuis en AMC/VUmc.

  • Recommended
    Legal 500, Healthcare and Life Sciences (2024 Edition)
  • Leading Individual
    Legal 500, EU and Competition (2023 Edition)
  • "A client stated that 'Weijer is a very senior lawyer who knows everything about competition law'."
    Chambers Global & Europe, EU and Competition (2023 Edition)
  • "A client says: 'he is really intellectual and very knowledgeable'."
    Chambers Global & Europe, EU and Competition (2023 Edition)
  • "A client says: 'Weijer has enormous experience and exceptional insights into healthcare and other markets'."
    Chambers Europe, Healthcare (2023 Edition)
  • "A client mentioned that ‘Gerrit Oosterhuis and Weyer Verloren Van Themaat are experienced and outstanding antitrust lawers, highly specialised, quick thinking and pragmatic'."
    Legal 500, EU and Competition (2023 Edition)
  • Leading Individual
    Legal 500, EU and Competition (2022 Edition)
  • “A client reports that he ‘understands this material very well and has been very responsive and insightful throughout the process’.”
    Chambers Europe, Competition / European Law (2022 Edition)
  • “Clients value his approach, deeming him ‘strong in strategic advice, with an ability to think along and add value to the discussion’.”
    Chambers Europe, Healthcare (2022 Edition)
  • Recommended
    Chambers Europe, Competition / European Law (2021 Edition)
  • “Clients declare him ‘an expert in healthcare transactions.’”
    Chambers Europe, Healthcare (2021 Edition)
  • “Weyer VerLoren van Themaat is a market leader in Holland with deep academic and practical knowledge. He is also a pleasure to work with.”
    Legal 500, EU and Competition (2021 Edition)
  • “Weijer Verloren van Themaat is focused on creating real value in healthcare, knows when to give advice and when not to, and he is a real pleasure to work with.”
    Legal 500, Healthcare and Life Sciences (2021 Edition)
  • “Weijer Verloren van Themaat is a trusted partner for many leaders in the healthcare community.”
    Legal 500, Healthcare and Life Sciences (2021 Edition)
  • “Sources highlight that he ‘has a firm footing in healthcare with a focus on competition law.’”
    Chambers Europe, Healthcare (2020 Edition)
  • “He is well regarded by commentators who describe him as a ‘top competition lawyer in the Netherlands.’”
    Chambers Europe, Competition / European Law (2020 Edition)
  • Recommended
    Legal 500, EU and Competition (2020 Edition)
  • “Weyer VerLoren van Themaat: sound industry knowledge and professionalism and easy to work with and has a practical approach.”
    Legal 500, EU and Competition (2020 Edition)
  • Recommended
    Legal 500, Healthcare and Life Sciences (2020 Edition)
Weijer was resident partner van het Brusselse Houthoff kantoor van 1997 tot 2005. Hij is lid van de International Bar Association, de ABA , de Nederlandse Vereniging voor Mededingingsrecht en de Nederlandse Vereniging voor Europees recht. Daarnaast is hij chair-emeritus van Lex Mundi's Antitrust Competition and Trade Group, non-governmental advisor van de Nederlandse Autoriteit Consument en Markt (ACM) en voorzitter van de adviescommissie mededingingsrecht van de NOVA. Weijer is oprichter en bestuurslid van de Stichting Ontwikkelingen Mededingingsrecht en (co-)auteur van diverse boeken over mededingingsrecht, waaronder "European Competition Law" (Edward Elgar) en "Nederlands Mededingingsrecht" (Kluwer). 


  • Rechten (Universiteit van Amsterdam)
  • Advised European private equity firm CastikCapital on the acquisition of TBAuctions, a leading European online auction platform.
  • Advised Yarden, one of the largest funeral service providers in the Netherlands, and its two shareholders (the Vereniging Yarden and the Stichting Yarden) in the sale of Yarden to DELA.
  • Advising on the governance of Martini Ziekenhuis and its Medical Specialists, including advice on the legal structure and setting up cooperation agreements between the Medical Specialists and the Board of the Hospital.
  • Assisted the AMC and VUmc hospitals in obtaining the required approval from the Netherlands Authority for Consumers & Markets (ACM) for an administrative merger. The approval enables the two Amsterdam-based university medical centres to cooperate on patient care, research, education and training without limitation. This will create the biggest university medical centre in the Netherlands.
  • Representing Total in a follow-on damage claim.
  • Houthoff is representing Singapore Airlines Singapore Cargo in various Dutch private enforcement proceedings before the Amsterdam courts. These proceedings were initiated by claim vehicles Equilib, EWD and Stichting Cartel Compensation (SCC) following the EC's decisions in the air cargo case. The first action was initiated in 2010 and all the cases are ongoing.