Information security
Houthoff Coöperatief U.A. (hereinafter referred to as "Houthoff" or "us" or "we") greatly values the relationship of trust that we have with our clients and other stakeholders.
Clients and other stakeholders rightfully expect us to handle the information entrusted to us with care. Therefore, it is only natural for us to pursue appropriate internal information security policies and take measures to protect that information to the best of our ability. These include organisational, human, physical and technical measures such as access security, screening, awareness training, supplier management, access management, encryption, vulnerability tests, network security, SOC, monitoring, user endpoints, backups and segmentation.
All these measures are part of our information security management system. We are ISO 27001:2022 certified in the Netherlands for all our legal services, all supporting business processes and protocols and the associated organisation. ISO 27001 is a globally recognised information security standard. The organisational, human and technical measures implemented also apply to our foreign branches and to the colleagues working there.
Our ISO 27001 compliance testifies to our use of strict information security requirements, constant evaluation and improvement of our processes and unwavering focus on security awareness within our firm.
If you have any questions about information security at Houthoff, please contact our security officers Nard van Breemen (Head of IT) at n.van.breemen@houthoff.com and Kristel Verschoor (Legal Counsel) at k.verschoor@houthoff.com. They can also provide you with a copy of our ISO certificate upon request.