Noise and odour

Noise and Odour under the Environment and Planning Act

As the environmental aspects of noise and odour frequently determine the quality of the living environment, they play a key role in new development projects. Noise and odour mostly have a local impact and require decentralised assessment. General rules already applied at the national level, but they have largely been cancelled by the EPA's entry into force. Instead, rules on noise and odour must be incorporated in the municipal environmental plan to create more room for municipal noise and odour policy.

Our Noise and Odour factsheet discusses the EPA's implications for these environmental aspects and sets out the main differences.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact one of our experts: Luurt Wildeboer, Marloes Brans, Jet Akkerman, Felix Kelder or Klaas Valkering.
The factsheet is available in Dutch. If you would like an English translation, please contact


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