Real Estate
Development and Redevelopment of Real Estate under the Environment and Planning Act
The EPA's entry into force entails various changes for the real estate and redevelopment sectors. For example, all formerly applicable zoning plans must be replaced by a new environmental plan for the entire municipal territory. This is a new instrument that will contain almost all municipal rules on the physical living environment. In addition, the environmental building permit is being divided into two and the national rules for allowing minor derogations from the zoning plan have been revoked. Also, from 1 January 2024 all permits and notifications must be submitted to the same digital portal: the Digital System Environment and Planning Act (Digitaal Stelsel Omgevingswet, or DSO).
As these changes can seriously impact real estate development and redevelopment and the use of new and existing real estate, our Real Estate factsheet sets out the main differences from the situation as it existed before 1 January 2024. It also focuses on the effects of the environmental plan and transitional law.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact one of our experts: Monica Sonderegger, Marloes Brans, Rick van der Hulle, Eva Struik, Jet Akkerman or Pepijn Smits.