The insurance sector has been facing a series of major challenges for a number of years. Economies of scale are more vital than ever, so mergers and acquisitions are the order of the day. This is combined with intensifying regulation and pressure on premiums. The corporate market is having to manage increasingly complex products and rising claim costs.

Houthoff has been a reliable partner for insurers, brokers and insured businesses for many years. Each day, more than 30 specialists assist clients who find themselves confronted with complex insurance problems.

  • Ranked in Band 1
    Chambers Europe, Insurance (2024 Edition)
  • “One client mentioned that 'Houthoff is always easily accessible and able to give good advice at short notice'.”
    Chambers Europe, Insurance (2024 Edition)
  • Ranked in First Tier
    Chambers Europe, Insurance (2023 Edition)
  • "A client mentions: 'The team has a strong ability to grasp the problem and present solutions'."
    Chambers Europe, Insurance (2023 Edition)
  • "The Houthoff team handles our cases with great diligence and with a hands-on mentality."
    Chambers Europe, Insurance (2023 Edition)
  • "A client says: 'The team has an outstanding in-depth knowledge of the insurance industry and of the applicable laws and regulators'."
    Chambers Europe, Insurance (2023 Edition)
  • “The team can be trusted to deal both with regular cases but also with complex litigation, cross-border litigation and newly developed areas of the law.”
    Chambers Europe, Insurance (2022 Edition)
  • “A client highlights the firm's ‘capacity to deal with all matters, up to and including Supreme Court Litigation’.”
    Chambers Europe, Insurance (2022 Edition)
  • “A client asserts that Houthoff is the firm of choice when ‘one needs an expert, a lawyer to trust and have a strong relationship with, and a team that has a strong strategic mindset’.”
    Chambers Europe, Insurance (2022 Edition)

Houthoff provides our clients with strategic advice in transactions. We have extensive experience with the regulations involved. We have a dedicated regulatory team with a high degree of specialisation within the insurance market. Our specialists maintain excellent contacts with regulators and can quickly spring into action at crucial moments.

Houthoff's reputation in dealing with actions for damages is undisputed. Our experience in complex, international cover disputes is without equal. What's more, our clients trust Houthoff when they find themselves confronted with liability issues, especially issues concerning claims against companies, professionals, directors and supervisory directors. Houthoff also has highly specialised teams working on mass claims, not only against the insurance market itself but also against insured businesses and organisations. 

  • Advised PO Söderberg & Partner Aktiebolag on the acquisition of 100% of the shares in Summa Holding B.V.
  • Assisted Vermeg, Vermeg's founder and its management team in Charterhouse's acquisition of an interest in Vermeg from Crédit Mutuel Arkéa.
  • Assisted IK Investment Partners in the acquisition of a majority stake in You Sure Investments B.V.
  • Advised ASR Nederland N.V. (a.s.r.) on the acquisition of a 50% interest from Brand New Day in Brand New Day Premiepensioeninstelling N.V. (BND PPI) and the sale of a.s.r.'s 10% interest in Brand New Day Houdstermaatschappij N.V. for a total amount of EUR 51 million.
  • Advised Yarden, one of the largest funeral service providers in the Netherlands, and its two shareholders (the Vereniging Yarden and the Stichting Yarden) in the sale of Yarden to DELA.
  • Advised a.s.r., a large Dutch insurance company, on the acquisition of VvAA Levensverzekeringen, the life insurance business of VvAA Groep. The life insurance portfolio comprises approximately 18,000 policies. The annual premium income is EUR 28m, and the technical provisions amount to EUR 430m. In addition to a multi-year life insurance partnership, VvAA and a.s.r. also intend to further expand the services to VvAA members.
  • Defense counsel to Vetropack Holding AG in a product recall claim against a Dutch worldwide Brewery.

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