De vastgoedsector profiteert van de economische groei. Zowel door de aantrekkende binnenlandse vraag, als door de groeiende wereldhandel. Er vinden steeds meer transacties plaats. Variërend van transformatie van bestaand vastgoed tot meer nieuwbouw. (Verplichte) verduurzaming van gebouwen, verandering van bestemming, terugloop van het aantal retailers en kantorenleegstand nopen daarbij tot slimme oplossingen. Het ervaren Vastgoedteam van Houthoff bestaat uit ruim 50 vastgoedspecialisten die verder kijken dan het probleem. Zij hebben vergaande kennis en ruime praktijkervaring om in te spelen op de gewijzigde vraag uit de sector. Onze notarissen vormen daarbij een belangrijke spil. Ons Vastgoedteam is betrokken bij de grootste en meest spraakmakende Nederlandse en Europese vastgoedtransacties. Houthoff staat beleggers, projectontwikkelaars, financiers, bouwbedrijven, woningcorporaties en eindgebruikers bij in complexe vastgoedtransacties- en geschillen.
Ranked in Band 1Chambers Europe, Real Estate (2024 Edition)
“One client says: 'The combination of excellent legal skills, market knowledge, efficient approach and commercial awareness make the team unique'.”Chambers Europe, Real Estate (2024 Edition)
'A client mentions: ‘Houthoff has always made us feel like the most important client they have and above all we have absolute trust in working alongside them. Their deep understanding of the real estate industry is second to none and they have a well structured team who clearly enjoy working together as well. We have always felt Houthoff provides a supreme level of service’."Legal 500, Real Estate (2024 Edition)
Ranked in Tier 1Chambers Europe, Real Estate (2023 Edition)
"A client mentions: 'The team is always up to date on the latest regulations and case law and is able to make the most complicated topics very clear to the business through practical overviews'."Chambers Europe, Real Estate (2023 Edition)
"One client says: 'Houthoff is hands-on and very knowledgeable when dealing with complex situations'."Chambers Europe, Real Estate (2023 Edition)
"One client said that the team has: ‘Deep relevant knowledge. Client and process focused'."Legal 500, Real Estate (2023 Edition)
"A client mentions: 'The team is very accessible, professional, has in-depth knowledge and experience in real estate and development transactions'."Legal 500, Real Estate (2023 Edition)
“A client enthuses that Houthoff ‘exceeded our expectations,’ and adds that the firm is ‘absolutely the best in the Dutch construction market’.”Chambers Europe, Real Estate (2022 Edition)
“The quality the team provides is high, which is of great importance in the complex transactions where stakes, risks and responsibilities are high.”Chambers Europe, Real Estate (2022 Edition)
“A client appreciates that the firm's lawyers ‘always deliver in time and their advice is always complete, with the right depth on the details’.”Chambers Europe, Real Estate (2022 Edition)
“We choose Houthoff because they have the capacity to deliver all specific competencies for very complex deals.”Legal 500, Real Estate (2022 Edition)
“Great real estate practice in The Netherlands, with exceptional experience in real estate development transactions.”Legal 500, Real Estate (2022 Edition)
“A fast and pragmatic approach is essential for us and they are well aware of that necessity.”Legal 500, Real Estate (2022 Edition)
“Houthoff’s real estate practice is dedicated, diligent but also practical.”Legal 500, Real Estate (2022 Edition)
“One client enthuses that ‘all of the team members clearly put their clients first,’ and goes on to highlight the team’s ‘pragmatic approach’ and ‘good commercial mindset.’”Chambers Europe, Real Estate (2021 Edition)
“A client praises the breadth of the firm’s practice, praising the team’s ‘excellent litigation strategy and seamless implementation thereof,’ adding that the ‘contract drafting is top notch.’”Chambers Europe, Real Estate (2021 Edition)
“The team acts precisely and deliberately, and is completely aware of the scope of work required from them and delivers the required quality in time.’”Chambers Europe, Real Estate (2021 Edition)
Onze expertise op het gebied van vastgoed
Aan- en verkoop en (her)ontwikkeling van grote vastgoedprojecten vergt een efficiënte juridische begeleiding. Partijen schakelen ons Vastgoedteam in voor onder meer advies over complexe vastgoedstructuren, waarvoor onze notarissen en advocaten praktische en vernieuwende oplossingen aandragen. Complexe vastgoedfinanciering vereist juridische en fiscale expertise en vergaande kennis van de nationale en internationale vastgoedmarkt. Onze vastgoedspecialisten adviseren onder meer financiële instellingen, vastgoedfondsen en investeerders over herfinanciering, herstructurering, complexe vastgoedveilingen en distressed loan portfolios. Smart Cities zijn in opkomst. Wij adviseren en begeleiden (internationale) partijen die investeren in duurzaam kapitaal, technologische communicatie en slimme infrastructuur om Smart Cities te realiseren.Onze vergaande sectorkennis combineren wij met onze kennis op het gebied van onder meer aan- en verkooptransacties, huurrecht, leasing, aanbesteding, milieurecht, projectontwikkeling, bestuursrecht en vastgoedfinanciering. Ons Vastgoedteam is betrokken en helpt spelers binnen de nationale en internationale vastgoedsector weer voorwaarts.
Assisted Credit Suisse with the approx. EUR 33m sale of a retail complex in the city centre of Rotterdam to Zinc.
Advised LCN in connection with the disposal of their office building.
Advised Weesperplein 6 B.V. (State Street) on the acquisition of the Borneo office building in The Hague by means of an asset deal.
Advised BPSA in connection with the acquisition of the Las Palmas mixed-use building in Rotterdam.
Advised Time Equities Inc. on the acquisition of the freehold of the building ' t Hert in Arnhem by means of an asset deal.
Advised Vestia, once the largest social housing corporation of the Netherlands, with the legal demerger of Vestia into three new social housing corporations. This transaction included the division of Vestia's real estate portfolio, consisting of approximately 65,000 rental units with a value of EUR 11.5 billion.
Advised a.s.r. on the acquisition of Sweco Capital Consultants.
Advised HqO, together with Goodwin Procter LLP, on the acquisition of Office App. Office App is a leading European tenant and employee engagement platform.
Advising Hoorne Vastgoed BV and Hoorne Vastgoed Ontwikkeling BV, a seller and a developer, respectively, on the sale of two distribution centres in Alkmaar.
Advised ASR Dutch Core Residential Custodian B.V. and ASR Dutch Mobility Office Custodian B.V. on the acquisition of the Tree House tower in Rotterdam from Provast valued at approximately EUR 200 million.
Advised Hansainvest Hanseatische Investment GmbH on the sale of 'The Monarch Tower' to Credit Suisse Asset Management Global Real Estate. The tower is situated on a prime location in the Beatrixkwartier in The Hague, the city's central business district.
Assisted Credit Suisse Asset Management Global Real Estate in the acquisition of a newly developed distribution centre for Jumbo in Bleiswijk. The seller, Somerset, retains a 10% interest in the business.
Assisted the Salvation Army in setting up the investment fund 'Stichting Leger des Heils WoonVermogen' for construction projects that make a social impact. The 'Stichting Leger des Heils WoonVermogen' is funded by private investors and aims to build 250 residences for vulnerable people in the coming years.
Advised together with Renzenbrink & Partner, the svt Group, a leading supplier of passive fire protection products and systems with the acquisition of Flamepro. The svt Group is an Ergon Capital portfolio company.
Advised Real I.S. on the acquisition and financing of five newly constructed distribution centres with a total area of 115,000 m² in Europoort Rotterdam from DHG for €142 million.
Advised Commerz Real on the sale of its office portfolio consisting of six office buildings to Tristan Capital Partners for approx. €370 million. Tristan Capital Partners has acquired the portfolio on behalf of its core-plus fund CCP 5 LL.
Advised a.s.r. real estate on the acquisition – on behalf of ASR Dutch Prime Retail Fund – of a retail portfolio from Phoenix Joint Venture C.V. with a total value of approximately € 100 million.
Advised DELA Vastgoed B.V. on the sale of eight shopping centres to Harbert Management Cooperation (acting on behalf of Harbert European Real Estate Fund V, LP) and Sectie5 Investments for more than EUR 180 million. The transaction concerned the shopping centres 't Loo in Heiloo, Kastelenplein in Eindhoven, Heksenwiel in Breda, Op de Kamp in Landgraaf, Groeneweg in Utrecht, Maaspoort in Den Bosch, Reigerhof in Nieuwerkerk aan den IJssel and Hasselo in Hengelo.
Advised DELA Vastgoed B.V. on the sale of the shopping centres 'Kerkelanden' in Hilversum and 'Westerkoog' in Koog aan de Zaan to Syntrus Real Estate & Finance B.V., the latter acting on behalf of the funds Stichting Rabobank Pensioenfonds and Achmea Dutch Retail Property Fund. The transaction was valued at approximately EUR 65 million.
Houthoff advised TH Real Estate on the acquisition and financing of a modern logistics complex in Rotterdam (Maasvlakte II). This is the second acquisition for TH Real Estate's European Logistics Fund. The vendor is selling the property in a sale and long-term leaseback transaction. The property comprises two buildings, dating from 2008 and 2016. It has a total lettable area of 39,500 square metres, most of which is laid out for the storage of hazardous goods.