Putting Clients First with Betty Blocks No-Code Application Development Platform
As a leading Dutch law firm, we continuously strive to provide our clients with innovative services and solutions. In today’s fast-paced landscape, our clients increasingly need the ability to access knowledge within a few clicks or to service themselves via the latest user-friendly technology. We are taking a proactive approach to digital transformation by building a no-code/low-code application portfolio to expand our digital client service delivery.
Why no code/low code?
Low-code development platforms provide a faster, more agile way of creating software applications. Instead of relying on traditional coding methods, we use visual interfaces and pre-built components to simplify the development process. One of the key benefits of low-code application development is its ability to improve collaboration between different teams within our organisation. Our legal professionals and Innovation Team can work together to create applications that meet the needs of our firm and our clients. Low-code application development reduces the time and resources needed, and enables our team of legal engineers to participate in the development process. This collaborative approach will help us stay ahead of the curve in an industry that is rapidly embracing digital innovation.
This innovative strategy will help us streamline our operations, enhance our client service and achieve greater efficiency.
Building a low-code application portfolio
Our low-code application portfolio will include a range of tools, with a focus on access to legal knowledge and self-service tools. By creating these tools in-house with the Betty Blocks no-code application development, we're able to tailor them to our specific needs and optimise their functionality for legal operations.
Dutch Scheme Tool
Our first application was the Dutch Scheme Tool. This tool offers a visualisation of the new Dutch Scheme legislation: Wet homologatie onderhands akkoord or WHOA for short. Organisations can calculate and visualise the proposed distributions under possible plans offered under the Dutch Scheme. In addition, the tool automatically analyses whether key requirements for recognition (homologatie) of a plan under the Dutch Scheme are likely met.
ESG Compass
The ESG Compass is currently not in use. This online tool matched the relevant requirements from the upcoming EU policy measures focusing on environment, social and governance (ESG) factors with your organisation: Non-Financial Reporting Directive (NFRD), Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD), Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR) and EU Taxonomy Regulation. The ESG Compass indicated which of the (upcoming) directives or regulations were relevant for your organisation after you had answered a series of questions.
My Knowledge Portal
Another application we've built is My Knowledge, a portal with developments in EU and Dutch legislation. The user can follow recent developments on a wide variety of legal topics and practice areas, export reports and receive personalised daily or weekly digests per email.
Next steps
More applications are on the horizon. By providing our clients and lawyers access to cutting-edge tools and technology, we can differentiate ourselves from competitors and demonstrate our commitment to legal innovation.
Overall, our investment in a no-code/low-code application portfolio is a testament to our commitment to staying at the forefront of legal technology. By leveraging the power of low-code development platforms, we are poised to achieve greater efficiency, agility and collaboration in the years to come.