Mediation advocacy is part of comprehensive conflict management
Business conflicts are inevitable and nothing new. However, they are becoming more commonplace in the wake of developments in society, as an increasingly diverse group of stakeholders exerts pressure in the boardroom and society is growing more juridified. To resolve these conflicts, parties increasingly explore alternative methods.
Mediation is a valuable tool to tackle disputes at an early stage while keeping the business relationship intact. It can be used in both workplace disputes and mass claims. Still, mediation is not a wonder drug that will always provide the best cure – its success depends partly on the parties' preparations and attitude.
It is therefore crucial for lawyers to consider mediation as a possible conflict resolution strategy and to optimally prepare and assist you in the mediation process.
Advantages of mediation
- Speed: mediation can bring a solution more quickly, as the mediation process is adjusted to the parties' schedules.
- Confidentiality: everything discussed during mediation is confidential by contract. This ensures a safe setting for parties to explore all possible solutions.
- Retention and fostering of business relationships: mediation restores and improves mutual communication. This promotes long-term relationships.
- Party autonomy: the parties themselves decide what solution they find acceptable.
Our experienced mediation lawyers help parties find the best solution for everyone involved. We work with multidisciplinary teams where necessary.
OUR EXPERTS IN mediation
Corporate Governance, Public Affairs and Regulation
Marry de Gaay Fortman is an IMI Qualified Mediator and a member of the Advisory Board of Mundi Mediatores, which connects users with an internationally diverse array of mediators. She is an expert in the field of corporate governance and regulation. In addition, she is involved in public-private issues and is a trusted boardroom adviser.
Isabella Wijnberg is an IMI Certified Mediator focusing on complex disputes, including mass claims. She gives mediation training in-house and outside Houthoff.
Frauke van der Beek is a member of the Advisory Committee of the Netherlands Bar Association (NOvA) and completed the professional mediation course at the ADR Institute. She has experience with mediation in directors' and officers' liability conflicts and WHOA proceedings (Court Approval of a Private Composition (Prevention of Insolvency) Act).
Richard Witvliet completed the professional Legal Mediator course at the Academy of Legal Mediation, with a special focus on M&A disputes.
If you would like to learn more about our approach and what mediation can do for your organisation, please do not hesitate to contact us. We will be happy to assist you.